About us
Established in 2010, Sørvindu has it's showroom and offices at our 500m² facility in Lillesand, Norway. We operate our own, state of the art, window and door factory in Lithuania. We have a staff of five in Norway and 25 at our factory.
We focus on supplying top quality windows and doors for homes and cabins crafted from aluminium and sourced from several of the world's best manufacturers. These are mainly in slimline variations.
We believe that we offer the most complete range of products available in Norway when it comes to high quality aluminium windows and doors.
At Sørvindu we also develop our own customised products. For example, we are the only supplier in the market offering aluminum husmor/toppsving windows with Norwegian style fittings and a frame/sash width of only 80mm.
We specialise in installation, with our own boat, mini-crane on caterpillar tracks and glass installation robot.
Sørvindu works in close partnership with some of the leading architect agencies in Norway for the home and cabin sector. This provides us with a constantly changing set of challenges which we enjoy meeting!
If you're interested in what we can do for you and the products we offer then please don't hesitate to get in tough with us!
The Sørvindu team.
See the video below, showing out 500 square metre showroom in Lillesand.
Sørvindu deliver windows and doors to a range of beautiful and amazing projects.
In respect of our customers' privacy there are many projects which we are unable to present publicly, but we are able to show a small selection here. You can also get a taste of the possibilities our products offer by visiting our Sørvindu Facebook page, and seeing several projects under installation and in their final finished beauty!
The projects presented here also have information about the architects and developers involved in the process and by holding your mouse over the "categories" you can visit the respective websites.
We hope this will give you some inspiration and also confidence in us as a trusted supplier for your future projects.
A holiday property along the beautiful coast between Kristiansand and Lillesand with a fantastic view of the ocean!
Logg Architects have designed a beautiful and detailed cabin. The atrium provides shelter from the sea winds and the possibility to enjoy the evening sun in calm comfort. A modern but timeless design with special focus given to the outdoor spaces.
We had the privilege of providing all products in aluminium for a result marked by it’s use of slim facades, several glued glass corners and slimline windows. Two sliding doors with a height of 3.2 metres and a total width of 6 metres are certainly the most eye catching features of this creation.
And as for the location – wow!

Moderne tilbygg til eksisterende sørlandshus.
Sunniva Rosenberg Arkitektur har her gjort den krevende øvelsen å kombinere nytt og moderne med eldre og klassisk stil, på en suveren måte.
Tilbygget; som forøvrig vant prisen «Lillesand Byggeskikkspris» i 2020 – har flere fiffige produkter levert av oss.
Blant annet har det store fasadeglasset i front en steppet kant på glasset på ca 20 cm på alle 4 sider, slik at det er rammeløst. I tillegg har vi benyttet egendesignet glassfinne på innvendig side av dette glasset for å forsterke mot vindlast og samtidig oppnådd med glassfinnen en visuell transparens og nærmest uavbrutte siktlinjer.
Inngangspartiet, består av cortenstål levert av oss på dører og sidefelter slik at døren nærmest fremstår som skjult og corten gir her en kontrast og robusthet til hele prosjektet som gir en fin balanse.
Et av våre favoritter prosjekter…

Magical cabin along the coastline of Hisøy-Arendal.
Here, the architect has designed a gem of a holiday home and the contractor has followed up with fantastic craftsmanship!
Our delivery is large as the glass content is high and in our opinion there are many fine glass details here that help to lift the overall impression.
We thank the architect and contractor for trusting us with this amazing project.

The architect has designed a modern gem beside the ocean. Exposed to the elements but at the same time with a protective atrium. Notice our facade system that compliments the kitchen decor.
A project where we use slimline outward-opening windows, folding doors, sliding doors and facade systems in a wonderful package.

Spektakulær enebolig designet av Logg Arkitekter, under oppføring. Vår leveranse består av slimline vinduer og dører, flere limte glasshjørner men krones av 2 motoriserte skyvedører fra Vitrocsa, hvorav den ene går ut i et limt hjørne. Dørene går lydløst og utstråler en fantastisk kvalitet. Vi gleder oss til fotoshoot når dette prosjektet er ferdig!

Arkitekten har her bl.a tegnet 18 meter med sammenhengende aluminiumsfasade uten brudd i 2 etg., som bl.a består av 3 limte glasshjørner og 3 skyvedører samt flere faste vindusfelt. Bæringen ligger perfekt plassert bak skjøter i vindusfasaden. Det er totalt 7 heve senk skyvedører og 5 limte glasshjørner i denne hytten. Meget krevende og inspirerende løsning! En arkitekt som vet å utnytte aluminiumsproduktene til det fulle. Og som dere kan se av bildene, slutt resultatet ikke mindre enn perfekt!

Østre Furuholmen
Et prosjekt hvor det er valgt løsninger på øverste hylle og bl.a. med en meget krevende og stor takkonstruksjon, som kjennetegnes ved at få profiler står vinkelrett på hverandre og med skyvedør intergrert for adgang ut på tak.
Det mest spektakulære produktet her er alikavel en Hi-Finity dør med åpen hjørneløsning og med motorer. Dette gir et fritt hjørne og dørbladene kan betjenes uavhengig av hverandre. Se video link her til tilsvarende løsning: Hi-Finity åpent hjørne.
Ellers er det benyttet utadslående vinduer med ultraslanke profiler, foldedør og flere limte glasshjørner.
Så langt, vårt mest krevende prosjekt!
Haarklau, Lindeberg & Egeland
Torbjørn Ryen

Egra Eiendom bygger spektakulære boliger til en fornuftig pris. Skreddersøm og utsøkte detaljer kjennetegnes i alt som blir designet og deretter bygget.
Dette er kun en av flere boliger vi har levert dører og vinduer i aluminium til de siste årene. Her som i de fleste andre prosjekter så er det fokus på slimline produkter og „kule” dørløsninger.

Read the latest updates from Sørvindu
Glazing Vision - Norwegian dealership
February 2020

Sørvindu have been approved as the Norwegian supplier for Glazing Vision, a renowned manufacturer of products with a focus on use in roofing solutions. Available in a range of designs and variations, these are products we are really looking forward to including in our product catalogue and which we believe will enable us to provide the complete spectrum of solutions in our portfolio.
Read more at https://www.glazingvision.eu/ and see for yourself!
Vitrocsa - the original now available in Norway
April 2019

Sørvindu are now the sole supplier of Vitrocsa products to the Norwegian and Danish markets. Our factory will soon be certified as an authorised producer of these top quality products, as we already are for Schuco and Reynaers - something which is a reflection of the trust and reliability we are recognised for.
Switzerland's Vitrocsa is the original "frameless" sliding and pivot door manufacturer from as far back as 1992 - everything else on the market are just copies of this original!
With Vitrocsa behind us, Sørvindu can offer our own range of products in whole aluminium across a range of price points. Vitrocsa represent the peak of high end solutions for the luxury market and will be the jewel of our range.
Read more at www.vitrocsa.ch and be convinced!
Topsving windows in aluminium

As the sole supplier in the Norwegian market we have developed a window which gives us a big advantage - the classic Norwegian «husmorvinduet» (housewife's window). The window is delivered with Norwegian Spilka hinges and has a slim edge/frame construction giving more glass area. It can, for example, be used in combination with glass facades, sliding doors and other window solutions.
Aluminium products from Schüco

Sørvindu has expanded it's portfolio of Reynaers products by adding Schüco to it's range. In this way we are able to offer a wider range and give our customers a wider spectrum with which to achieve their goals - something that can only be good for everyone involved!
Mini crane

Our new mini crane makes complicated installations easier. The crane can lift across 14 metres and is equipped with a jib and winch. It's really useful on islands and small building sites where we need to install large, heavy glass sections.
Reynaers whole aluminium slimline products

Startup of production of door and window products in whole aluminium from high end supplier Reynaers. Sørvindu's focus on large glass area products has culminated in this distribution and manufacturing agreement with one of the leading names in the field.
Veiverių g. 150, Kaunas LT-46391
Aušvydas Gražinys
Tlf.: +37065234410
E-post: ausvydas@sorvindu.com
Pardavimų vadovas:
Mantas Atkocevičius
Tlf.: +37067242951
E-post: mantas@sorvindu.com
Gamybos/Montavimo vadovas:
Marius Baranauskas
Tlf.: +37069963383
E-post: marius@sorvindu.com